What does your typical working day look like?
6:30am: I am rudely awakened by a stroppy four-year-old with morning-breath.
7:00am: Feed the kids whatever strange foods they require. Often involving pasta.
8:00am: Repeat to eldest daughter with no effect; phrases like ‘have you brushed your teeth?’, ‘have you brushed your hair?’, ‘put on your clothes’,’ hurry up please’, etc for a minimum of 45 minutes.
9:00am: School and nursery drop-off.
9:30am: Get to studio.
10 – 17.00: Draw/paint or work at the university. Email clients, find new work, draw images for my book/blog, etc.
5.10pm: Pick up kids.
18.00: Provide dinner for them to reject.
19.00: Bath/arguments/clean up.
20.00: Bed for kids.
21:00 – 23:00: More drawing based on experiences of the day.