Hurrah for Gin by Katie Kirby
According to its author Katie Kirby, this is the book for parents who “lack patience, forget permission slips and serve beige freezer food for dinner.” The idea began as a blog (after what might have been a few glasses of gin) with the aim of trying to get through the challenges and frustrations of motherhood. Her account of parenting is as wickedly funny as it is honest and brave, and the amazing stick figure illustrations some how say it all. So pour yourself a nice G&T and enjoy, because if you don’t laugh you will probably cry.

The Quick Guide to Parenting by Laura Quick
The Quick Guide to Parenting is a beautifully illustrated book documenting the ridiculousness of everyday family life, and is of course a Motherland favourite. “No darling, don’t put you finger in there” reads one annotation, as we see Laura’s daughter attempt to put her finger into a dog’s rear end. Flicking through the pages witness the results of paint left unattended, comical outfit choices and the chaos that ensues from the words ‘time to go now’.

Nobody Told Me by Hollie McNish
From a poem about morning sickness to a story about enduring a public toddler tantrum Nobody Told Me is a collection of poems and stories taken from Hollie McNish’s diaries as she navigates through pregnancy and parenthood. Beautifully written, honest, heart breaking and funny Hollie McNish brings an original voice to what it means to raise a child in modern Britain today.

Go the Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach
As the title might suggests, this is a bedtime story for grownups (!). Mocking the storybook format it hilariously exposes the unsaid thoughts and feelings of parents struggling with the never-ending bedtime battle. “I know you’re not thirsty. That’s bullshit. Stop lying. Lie the fuck down, my darling, and sleep”, reads one line and it goes on and on, just like those bedtime hours seem to…

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