By Rebecca Schiller, 15th September 2016
Features, Pregnancy, RelationshipsAhead of the release of her new book, Why Human Rights in Childbirth Matter, Rebecca Schiller, author and chief executive of childbirth charity Birthrights, shares an exclusive extract from the book that explains why human rights in childbirth are so vitally important
By Rebecca Schiller, 12th September 2016
Do, TravelFor the last in her three-part Holidaying with Kids series, mother-of-two Rebecca Schiller braves the family camping trip, toasted marshmallows and all
By Rebecca Schiller, 1st September 2016
Features, RelationshipsContinuing our series speaking to childless or childfree women, today we hear from Kerry Voellner for whom having kids just didn't happen. Here she reflects on a childfree life and the advantages of the unlimited freedom it affords her
By Rebecca Schiller, 24th August 2016
Features, RelationshipsContinuing our series of interviews with childless or childfree women, today we hear from Nicci Fletcher about the intense grief, and consequent depression, she experienced when she found out that she'd never be able to have children
By Rebecca Schiller, 12th August 2016
Do, Features, TravelMother-of-two Rebecca Schiller travels to a family-friendly hotel in Italy and finally achieves the seemingly unachievable: an actual holiday with kids
By Rebecca Schiller, 3rd August 2016
Do, Features, TravelFollowing the first of three summer breaks with her kids, mother-of-two Rebecca Schiller reports on a long weekend spent at the family-friendly Starry Skies festival
By Rebecca Schiller, 30th July 2016
Features, RelationshipsFor the next in our childless or childfree women series, we hear from Samara Jones-Hall who is unable to have children and is now, together with her husband, looking into fostering
By Rebecca Schiller, 21st July 2016
Do, Features, TravelCan family holidays ever be fun? According to mother-of-two and seasoned traveller Rebecca Schiller they can, as long as you readjust your expectations, learn to treasure the good bits, and relish surviving the bad bits
By Rebecca Schiller, 17th July 2016
Features, RelationshipsIn a new series, we speak to women who, whether through lifestyle choice or infertility, are leading childfree or childless lives. We begin with teaching consultant Sarah Driscoll who has chosen not to have children
By Rebecca Schiller, 11th July 2016
Features, Relationships, Technology, TravelPolymath, mother-of-two, and self-confessed phone addict, Rebecca Schiller on the very real problem of digital addiction and how to overcome it